Established in 2014 by Founder Liesl Haris after spending over a decade building and scaling businesses across 4 continents (Africa, U.S.A. Europe, Australia)
After statistically analysing hundreds of methods of client engagement, Liesl recognised that only one well-executed element THE ART OF CONVERSATION was the reason that any business could consistently scale.
From Blue Chip giants in the Mining and Banking Sectors, through to Aerospace Engineering and Aviation. Year after year Liesl saw steady growth in all projects through the application of ONE expertly executed task:
Person to Person CONVERSATION
The 21st century has saturated the world with impersonal communications. From Social media to viral video (which are all integral to marketing and growth) but when it comes to closed deals and repeat business, Liesl and TALKING LEADS mission is to reconnect people authentically, for longterm, mutually beneficial, professional relationships
The rule is simple: Expertly (trained) and Executed

B2B Lead Generation
Market Research
Professional Australian call teams
All call teams matched demographically to client requirements.
Having trouble connecting at the highest levels of corporate governance?
can create a path for you.
Exect2Exec - C-Suite Mentoring
CEO's are under more pressure than ever to ensure organisational growth, yet there are not enough hours in a week to be objective as well as decisive. Engage
Executive Corps to give your leadership the edge.